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Solid Waste & Recycling Services

Tag Archives: Recycling

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So That's Why We Recycle!

Posted on Monday, May 21, 2018
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category  |  Recycling

You didn’t throw that magazine into the trash, did you?  You recycle, right?  Make sure you do!  Recycling is critical to saving our environment.  Yup, we hear it every day.  We see the recycling bins popping up at our grocery stores, parks, offices, stadiums, etc.… It’s awesome!  We pat ourselves on the back every time we toss our water bottle,...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Landfills, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Garbage, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption, Plastic Bottles, Trends, Save Money

Cheers To A New Year’s Resolution That Will Stick

Posted on Thursday, January 4, 2018
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

It’s that time of year again.  We just finished up the season of overindulgence and we are prepared to make extraordinary alterations to our daily routines that are going to change our lives forever!  This is the year we will lose weight, save money, eat healthy, drink less, maybe a career change or a commitment to be nicer to everyone we encounter.  The possibilities...

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Tagged:Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Landfills, Environment, Trash, Garbage, Organic, Evironmental Responsibility, Planet, Kids, Plastic Bags, Holidays, New Year, Resolutions, paper towels, reduce reuse recycle, reusable bags, meat, Water


Posted on Monday, July 31, 2017
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

No Sweat Necessary for Summer Recycling SuccessFall may be right around the corner but it’s still very much summer time!  The sun is beating down, vacations are approaching and kids are running wild with their abundance of new founded free time.  With all this excitement, it’s easy to forget the good recycling skills you’ve been practicing all year. ...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Community, Donation, Landfills, Environment, Trash, Evironmental Responsibility, Weather, Plastic Bottles, Kids, Children, Fashion, Clothing, parks, picnic, summer, beach, vacation, yellow bins, blue bins

Back to School: Children Are Our Green Future

Posted on Friday, April 21, 2017
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

The crowd cheers, players celebrate and both sides of the little league field grab water bottles to rehydrate after an exhilarating but exhausting game.  And more often than we’d like to admit, these bottles end up in the trash.  What’s the problem with that you wonder?  We are raising considerate children who don’t even think about littering our grounds!...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, School, Sustainability, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Composting, Organic, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Plastic Bottles, Kids, Children, Reuse, MRF, Earth Day, Green Schools

Dreaming of a Green Holiday Season

Posted on Monday, December 19, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category  |  Recycling

You hear it all the time, “The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year!”  And they are!  The holiday spirit brings out the best in almost everyone.  Kids are doing their finest Saint Theresa impression to stay off the naughty list and adults tend to mimic this behavior by showcasing their most generous and kind selves.  The moment Thanksgiving...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Giving, Community, Landfill-Free, Landfills, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Garbage, Compost, Composting, Food scraps, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Kids, Children, Christmas, Holidays, Gifts, Trees, Lights, Santa, Decorations, Ribbon, Ewaste, E-Waste, Green Christmas, Save Money

The Beauty of a Landfill

Posted on Thursday, October 20, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category  |  Recycling

The sun is beating down on the mound of a newly constructed baseball field as the pitcher winds up to throw his fastball to the batter who has spent hours swinging the bat preparing for this pitch.  In the distance, children are running around a track, pumping their legs on the swings of a playset and climbing rock walls to reach the top of an 8ft slide.  Adults and children alike...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Giving, Community, Giving Back, Donation, Landfills, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Garbage, Compost, Organic, Biosolids, Organic waste, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption, Kids, Children, dumps, recreation, parks, picnic, wildlife, baseball

Surprising Items Not Fashionable for Your Recycle Bin

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category  |  Recycling

These outfits are a stylish “Glamour Do” for your wardrobe but a big “Glamour Don’t” when it comes to your recycling bin!  The average Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) receives enough articles of clothing to make your local Good Will green with envy!  It’s understandable, when your closet starts to fill, you want to get rid of the old to make...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Giving, Environment, Fashion, Glamour, Clothing, Plastic Bags, Propane Tanks, Chains, Reuse, Trends, MRF

What Can I Recycle In My Bin and What Is The Rest Of America Doing?

Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Recycling

Clearing up the confusion as to what you should place in your residential recycle bin in the 21st Century and how well Americans are doing with recycling todayBelieve it or not, Americans have been researching the rewards of residential recycling since the early 1970’s. Yep. It’s a fact. Nixon was (still) president, the first Earth Day was observed, the Environmental Protection...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Sustainability, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet

Where Does The Plastic You Recycle Actually Get Used?

Posted on Monday, March 14, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Recycling

According to the last EPA report, Americans generated 33 million tons of plastics in 2013, but recycled only nine percent of that. The rest ends up in landfills where it may take up to 1,000 years to decompose, and potentially leak pollutants into the soil and water. Beyond that, it’s estimated that as much as 100 million tons of plastic debris is floating in the world’s oceans,...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Landfills, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Plastic Bottles

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint by Diminishing Your Energy Consumption

Posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

Saving energy does not require a lot of money or time. It simply requires knowledge, commitment, a plan and action.By acknowledging and capturing the energy inefficiencies that you create or ignore on a daily basis, you can radically reduce your energy bills, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by power plants, ultimately reducing your carbon footprint. While new technologies...

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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption

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