Tag Archives: Education
Posted on Monday, July 31, 2017
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Main Category
No Sweat Necessary for Summer
Recycling SuccessFall may be right around the corner but it’s still very much
summer time! The sun is beating down,
vacations are approaching and kids are running wild with their abundance of new
founded free time. With all this
excitement, it’s easy to forget the good recycling skills you’ve been
practicing all year. ...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Community, Donation, Landfills, Environment, Trash, Evironmental Responsibility, Weather, Plastic Bottles, Kids, Children, Fashion, Clothing, parks, picnic, summer, beach, vacation, yellow bins, blue bins
Posted on Friday, April 21, 2017
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Main Category
The crowd cheers, players celebrate and both sides of the
little league field grab water bottles to rehydrate after an exhilarating but
exhausting game. And more often than
we’d like to admit, these bottles end up in the trash. What’s the problem with that you wonder? We are raising considerate children who don’t
even think about littering our grounds!...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, School, Sustainability, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Composting, Organic, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Plastic Bottles, Kids, Children, Reuse, MRF, Earth Day, Green Schools
Posted on Monday, May 2, 2016
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Main Category
"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up doing nothing for nobody"In order to become and remain successful for any period of
time, a local business needs the support of the surrounding communities. Business
entrepreneurs who learn and practice the methods necessary to gain and maintain
this support will position their...
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Tagged:Education, School, Grant, Award, Entrepreneurship, Giving, Community, Giving Back, Donation, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Children
Posted on Monday, March 14, 2016
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
According to the last EPA report, Americans generated 33 million tons of plastics in 2013, but recycled only nine percent of that. The rest ends up in landfills where it may take up to 1,000 years to decompose, and potentially leak pollutants into the soil and water. Beyond that, it’s estimated that as much as 100 million tons of plastic debris is floating in the world’s oceans,...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Landfills, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Plastic Bottles
Posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Main Category
Saving energy does not require a lot
of money or time. It simply requires knowledge, commitment, a plan and action.By acknowledging and capturing the energy inefficiencies
that you create or ignore on a daily basis, you can radically reduce your
energy bills, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by power plants,
ultimately reducing your carbon
footprint. While new technologies...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Environment, Evironmental Responsibility, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Energy Consumption
Posted on Saturday, January 9, 2016
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Main Category
You may
have been lead to believe that solid-waste incineration is a “landfill-free”
solution, but the facts burn far brighter!Contrary to what you may have been told, incineration is far
from being a “landfill-free” solid-waste disposal option of choice. Did you
know that approximately 25% of the waste delivered to
incinerators winds up in a landfill? That’s a...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, Sustainability, Landfill-Free, Incineration, Landfills, Environment, Solid Waste, Trash, Garbage
Posted on Wednesday, August 26, 2015
J.P. Mascaro
Each year, parents across the country dedicate to sending their children back to school with the latest and greatest - a new trendy backpack, shiny, crisp notebooks, a fresh box of unsharpened pencils. This season, hold on to the green rules you already know: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Wherever possible, reuse what you already have. Invest in the backpack you know will last, and...
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Tagged:Green, Recycle, Recycling, Education, School, Sustainability, Environment, Kids, Green Schools, blue bins