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Make Your Turkey Green This Thanksgiving

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Green Thanksgiving
Green Thanksgiving

Posted on Friday, November 10, 2017
By: J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Categories: Main Category

“I want that, I want that, I want that,” is the continuous chant heard loudly from tiny voices and whispered secretly from adult voices during the holiday season as advertisements bombard us with all our projected wants and needs throughout the coming weeks. But before we hop into the gift giving and receiving holiday mode, let’s concentrate on Turkey Day and remember to give thanks to the environment. 

How do we do this?  Well let’s start by making our turkey dinner greener.  Well, not literally.  Green eggs and ham may work in a children’s book but somehow we’re guessing that isn’t going to seem too appetizing on your dinner plate.  What is delicious is locally grown food.  Not only is it better for the environment but it’s better for your health and the economy as well.  Go a step further and buy organic.  Organic fruits, vegetables and grains are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers and organic meat is produced without antibiotics and artificial hormones.  Then really put on your green chef’s hat and plan to grow your own meal next year!

Be sure to eat that healthy and environmentally friendly masterpiece with reusable dinnerware.  Also, if you didn’t already know, running a full dishwasher actually uses less water than hand washing all those plates and utensils so sit back and relax after that big meal without feeling any guilt. 

Don’t forget to save all the leftovers for future meals.  If your fridge just can’t fit anymore turkey, cranberries or pies, wrap it up for your guests to take home or donate it to your local shelter.  Turn the food that can’t be saved into compost instead of throwing it away. 

Before we can host this fabulous meal, most of us will want to decorate.   Resist running out to Home Goods or Target to create your Thanksgiving ambiance and look around your house for items that can complete the same look.   With a little bit of creativity and imagination, you can make your home eco-friendly and impress all your guests with your do-it-yourself originality.    

If you aren’t hosting this year and are headed out of town, you’re in good company. Thanksgiving produces one of the highest travel volumes of the year.  All that fuel and emissions wreaks havoc on the environment.   But we don’t want grandma to be lonely this holiday, so don’t cancel your trip.  Just chose your mode of transportation wisely.  The bus is usually a friendlier option.  But if you can’t get around taking your own vehicle, carpooling is always the best option. 

The holidays are all about tradition so start your own and find new and fulfilling ways to establish ones that will not only continue in your family for generations but will create a healthier environment for years to come.  Who knows?  Maybe an actual green turkey could be in your future! 

Tagged:Green, Recycle, Sustainability, Giving, Environment, Organic, Food scraps, Organic waste, Earth, Planet, Carbon Footprint, Kids, Children, Holidays, Thanksgiving

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