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Friday, March 4, 2016


Whether it was playing an after school sport, letting out energy during P.E. class, or making a lifelong friend on the sidelines, we all have treasured memories from our early days on our school's gymnasium floor.  Please support an important charity event and celebration dedicated to helping our children create their own precious memories and honoring a man who spent his life doing just that. 

We invite you and your family to be part of a special Visitation BVM event. On Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 6:30 pm Visitation BVM will name its school gym in honor of John “Bing” Miller, a lifelong parishioner and a man who has been instrumental in the formation and success of Visitation’s Youth Athletic Programs. 

Many in this school district have been positively impacted by Bing Miller and we owe him a debt of gratitude. Please join us for this unique occasion and fund raising opportunity. 

Tickets can be purchased at the rectory for $40 a person. Each ticket includes entry to the event starting at the school gym and an authentic Italian food and drink festival held on the football field following the naming ceremony.  Be a part of supporting youth sports and honoring our friend, John “Bing” Miller!    

All proceeds will go to towards Visitation's gymnasium improvements. 

Please make checks payable to VISITATION BVM PARISH 

TICKETS are available at the Visitation BVM Rectory

196 N Trooper Rd
Trooper PA 19403

Phone: (610) 539-5572

or by calling J.P. Mascaro & Sons at 267-933-6102

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