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Solid Waste & Recycling Services

J. P. Mascaro & Sons Online Bill Pay Pennsylvania

With J.P. Mascaro & Sons Online Bill Pay, your bill can be paid quickly and securely through J.P. Mascaro & Sons private website.  A single invoice should not exceed $10,000 to use this option. These transactions can be safely made by using any one of the following methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. 

We accept credit cards

We have expanded our methods of payment online by securely adding the ability of paying invoices for our commercial customers in service area.

Please make certain that when you start the payment process that you are choosing the correct portal.

Step 1. What State is your residence or business in? Pennsylvania or West Virginia

Step 2. What type of customer are you? Commercial or Residential

Step 3. Who are you a customer of? (Appears on your invoice)



Residential Customers

J.P. Mascaro Commercial Customers


Pioneer Crossing Landfill


TotalRecycle Customer


Go Paperless!

One-Time Payment

With Bill Pay One-Time Payment there is no enrollment, no remembering user IDs or passwords. We do not store any customer information.  Each time you access the Online Bill Pay you will be required to fill in all your account information. You will need to provide your account number, invoice number, full name, address, and payment type information (ie: credit card). Your transaction will be securely processed and you won't have to worry about writing a check or mailing the payment.


Here is a Sample of an Original Residential Invoice

residential trash pickup invoice sample



Here is a Sample of an Original Commercial Invoice

commercial trash pickup invoice sample


NOTE: Please indicate which invoice(s) you wish to pay, otherwise your payment will be applied to your outstanding balance, if applicable.  Over payments or prepayments will be applied to future invoice(s). Contact us to update your information or if you have any questions.

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  • I am Scott Keating route supervisor at the Bridgeport Division. I wanted to take this time to introduce myself and also thank you for...more »

    - Scott Keating